Fall harvest quest

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To begin the quest, seek out Liam the farmer in his home, east from Skara Brae island. He needs assistance with various tasks on his family's farms.

This is out-dated information and these quests will no longer be featured on Excelsior. We are re-working them. Please see forums for new information, until these wiki pages are updated.

Important Info

- Say "hail" to Liam to begin the quest.

- Players with the [young] tag cannot participate in this quest, however that is the only age restriction.

- You MUST be patched for this quest!

- Declan has a 30 second delay for his cinematic. Say "hail" to begin. Once you've begun speaking to him, do not move until you've completed your objective. Mobbing up multiple players on this NPC will cause even worse hangups than usual, so if there are other players in the building working on this quest step, take turns approaching him. Only one player should be inside the velvet ropes at a time.

- Do not drag mobs into the bar where Declan is located. Kill them outside, then enter.

- There are delayed teleporters around all the major quest NPCs and the timer clock. If a player stands near these for longer than 2 mins they'll be moved out. In the case of Declan, the timer is 2 minutes for sitting next to him and 30 seconds for all the tiles near him. If you take longer than this to complete his cinematic, you will have to go to the end of the line.

- All of the items you'll need to collect for book 2 are available on the mobs in the harvest area. Straw is available on the ground near the fields, wood on the ground in wooded areas, and clothes in empty buildings all over the farm.

- Items you must harvest will need to be obtained via the stealing skill. The event space has a drastically reduced reset time for this skill.

- This is a very low-combat quest and should therefore be quite young-player friendly. Just in case, there is a res station in the harvest area, at the crossroads where you enter.

- Most of this quest is based on the NPCs automatically moving you around. Once you've approached and triggered an NPC (Indicated by their greeting you by name), stand still until everything is finished. Otherwise, you could become temporarily stuck.

- All books have a 2 day decay. You must complete your books before this time.

- The maze changes every 7 hours. It could feasibly happen while you are inside the maze, but it is unlikely. Each iteration of the maze has at least 2 ways to get through it.

- Beware the charred scarecrows (damaged by the fireball-casting crows) in the fields! Getting within 2 tiles of one of these scarecrows will cause them to burn, and you will have 5 seconds to flee. If you do not move out of range, or if you get too close to another scarecrow within 20 seconds of triggering one, you will become frightened of the fire causing you to drop a number of your crops. Your quest book will be updated to reflect this, and if you had not yet collected a certain crop, you will then have to collect 2 additional of that type.

- If you need to leave any of the quest areas before completing them, you can simply recall out. To re-enter, return to Liam. You will be moved back to the beginning of the corn maze, and need to complete it to get back to the farm.

- You can check the delay timer on your quest. Go into Liam's home, and stand next to the clock. Then, say 'delay'. It will display the time until your quest can be repeated. Format is Hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.


To view the reward display, enter the gate inside Liam's bedroom.

The rewards for the quest are displayed on floors 1 & 2 of the display building, and outside the building to the south and east.

Seasonal Totem: Maple Leaf

If you complete this quest 45 times, you will be able to obtain the seasonal totem.

You can check your progress by saying 'runs' to the blue clock in Liam's home.

Once you have completed 45 or more runs,say 'hail' to Mandy. She will instruct you what to do from there.

Cornucopia T-shirt

To obtain your cornucopia T-shirt, hail Mandy when you have reached 40 runs or more. She is wearing an example of the shirt.

You can check your progress by saying 'runs' to the blue clock in Liam's home.

Vendor Stone

Each time you complete the quest you will receive Perfectly Preserved Leaves which can be used as currency on the vendor stone located on the third floor of the reward display room. The trees and larger items available on the stone are displayed outside of the reward building to the North side. The deeds for these items are displayed in the building in the same West-to-East order as the trees outside.

NOTE: Quest currency should be spent on the vendor stone on/before the stated quest closing date! Quest currency is designed to decay several days after the quest closing date to ensure that any minor quest extensions are accounted for, but once the quest is closed the vendor stone will no longer be available and you will not be able to spend the currency.


- Play nicely. Take turns, help one another out, don't kill steal or in any way be a nuisance. If any player is being a significant problem in the quest areas, they will have their access to the quest revoked.

- It is okay to use a macro or script to save clicks while collecting the crops, but you may NOT be afk during this time. If your character is performing any actions as part of this quest, you must be there and watching. If you are caught AFK'ing any part of the quest, you will receive the usual punishment per the codex as well as having your quest privileges revoked for 2-4 weeks.

- The farm area has been carefully blocked-in to prevent players from exiting the event space. Please do not attempt to get past the barriers. If you somehow accidentally get past them, please stand still and send a page explaining how/what happened. Players found wandering around outside of the event space will be exploiting, and quest privileges will be revoked.

- If you are jailed for any reason, resulting in 10+ jail tasks or an event ban, your access to this quest will be revoked.