I clearly had been heading a direction, but what direction that was now escapes me.
Back then, I remember being told that I should get as close to 100% LRC as possible, to get a solid whirlwind weapon, get some good mules, and to get 225 dex. Im pretty close to 100% LRC, I have a very solid Blaze of Death, and I have 5 very capable mules, but 225 dex still escapes me. So I figured I should work on that.
When I looked at my base stats, 125 str , 125 dex, and 50 int. 125+125+50=300. I figured I never got a scroll of power, so I bought a +40 from one of the shops, and went to raising dex. Music related skills where lacking, so I used those, locking my int and str. After some time, my peacemaking was 25% but still no stat gain. Well shoot, I thought, and I decided to just get some essences. So I bought some dex essences, 31 of them which was all I could find. Upon trying to use them, I was told by system that I need to dump a skill to raise my dex. So I did that, and raised my dex by one, sacrificing str.
Hold up, with a +40 scroll of power, should I not be able to run up my dex without sacrificing str? My stats should be capped at 340 now not 300. After some researching on the Wiki stats guide, I found information alluding to a what I interpreted as a 125 individual stat cap as well. Cool, Ill just get some of those +5 individual stat raises from the ED marketplace, and raise dex to 150. So I did that, and nope, essences still don't work, still asking me to sacrifice another stat. So maybe I'm misunderstanding what exactly I needed to do, but I am out 15m and 50usd until I figure it out. I have better gear than the 225 dex guide requires, so this seems to be the only barrier to 225 dex.
So here are my questions:
- What did I do wrong/what am I not doing, what do I need to do to 225 dex?
- I see a lot of yumis out there these days, whats that about?
- Is there a point where I'm not dependent on my mules for champs?
- What build should I be heading for, stat wise?