Reset your shard password

If you have forgotten your shard password, we can reset the password and send the new one to your email.

Note: this method only works if you have entered your email into your shard account through the Account menu by typing `[account` command in the game.

Your email address:

Alternative method

If you haven't entered your email in the account menu, this recovery method will not work, but you can send an email to and it may be recovered manually.

As it has to be done manually, you may have to wait a few days before we get back to you. We cannot guarantee that you will be recognized as the true owner of the account and the password reset may not be possible.

In your email request, include the following details:
• Your username and/or character name(s), to the best of your recollection,
• Date when you started playing, and date when you played last time, to the best of your recollection.
• Your current IP Address:

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