(RESOLVED) Corpse Decays

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(RESOLVED) Corpse Decays

Post by Lessa »

Corpse decays on monsters and bonded pets are way to fast. it takes a couple tries sometimes to kill ele's and time to reheal pet to help u all over again and mules corpse gone or a corpse u had leather in. i lost alot from my mule corpse decaying including runics i put in it. it was real fast that it was gone
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Post by +Colibri »

did it maybe just turn to bones and you didnt see them?

anyway, i agree that these decay times are a bit fast... same for the newbies that try so hard to get to their corpse.

before it was set so it takes 7 minutes to decay to bones, then another 7 minutes to disapear. these times are now 10min-10min.

(effective on next restart)

This means, that before you had 14 minutes to get to your corpse, or to claim it with the corpsestone. Now you have a total of 20 minutes.
+Colibri, Administrator of UO Excelsior Shard

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Post by Lessa »

not your personal corpse the corpses of monsters and your bonded pets with back packs
The Truth hurts yes, but better a wound to heal then a backstabbing death. Honesty is the best policy