220 Dex Stat scroll question

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Adept Scribe
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220 Dex Stat scroll question

Post by showxxl »

From the WIKI : Spending 250 ED to boost your base dex to 150/Getting at least a +25 stat scroll

Does this mean get the +5 Dex stat scrolls (5) +5 dex scrolls @ 50ed per = 250ed AND a +25 stat scroll?

If I have 125 dex then add the (5) +5 Dex scrolls for 250ED, that should put me at 150 base dex goal, so what is the +25 stat scroll for? Do you have to raise your overall Stat total as well? ie from 300 to 325?

If this is the case, any idea how much ED a +25 stat scroll is? I can only find a +50 in the Trinsic room and it's way too mucho at 550 EDs... where can one get that many ED's?...?

Hello Him or Her, I'm the Chief of Finance minister for Skara Brae and trying to get my millions of ED to Cove but do not want to pay the taxes. If you have access to the bank in Cove and can help me transfer the ED's, Ill give you 15% of the ED's!!! I just need your account name and login, social security number and security questions to initiate the transfer..... 8)
Adept Scribe
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Re: 220 Dex Stat scroll question

Post by jimmy »

stat scrolls can be bought off players or looted(i paid 3.5mil for a +35 6 months ago), it is for overall stat increase from 300 to 350(cap), then add the individual stat scrolls for the stat u want to increase(150 stat cap)