PS Bag Skills

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PS Bag Skills

Post by Melkor »

I'm really curious, specifically about Arms Lore, but also all the skills that the 120 PS comes only from the PS bag, ones that don't raise over 100 on their own.

I have been collecting "evidence" from things +Colibri has said on the forums.

In the Original Thread where the PS Bag came from, Colibri say's this:
+Colibri wrote:
Btw it's fine if any of the nonexistant scrolls drop. I'll make them drop from a custom champ, like maybe the frost giant. There won't be much use for them, but maybe over time we'll enhance even those skills.
To knowledge, no such champ has yet been created, and I have seen nothing to say that those skills have been enhanced.

In the other thread, they are talking about ideas for some of the things to do with "PS Bag skills", there are some really cool ideas, I personally like the one about hiding. Interestingly enough, Arms Lore is not mentioned in the thread. However here again +Colibri talks about that special champ. In the end though, he says this about the ideas and the champ:
+Colibri wrote:
Well i'm not going to start with this yet, soon tho i like the ideas.
These threads are from 2008

Even with this "evidence" I'm still left with questions. He said "There won't be much use for them" Could that mean that 120 Arms Lore does factor into the formula when crafting, but that most of the PS Bag Skills won't have a use? Or does it means that anything beyond 100 has no effect for these skills?

I've always looked at it, that if the skill is not raising on its own past 100, its not being "used" and therefore has no effect. But again, what about the crafting formula and Arms Lore? Or Perhaps the damage increase formula for Mage Poison Spells effected by the Poisoning skill?

I don't really care about the champ, I'm curious about the skills.

Would it be possible to get an official clarification on this please?

For those who haven't read the threads I mentioned, check them out, its good reading if you are interested in the shard. If anyone has any other forms of evidence or experience about this, please share it.

Original PS Bag Thread

A thread entitled "Ideas for skills that can't go past 100"
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Re: PS Bag Skills

Post by Melkor »

Well, I've went over the changelog with a fine tooth comb since 2008, no mention of any adjustment to the skills. With no comment from +Colibri on this thread, I'm going to take it that the "PS Bag Skills" don't have any effect past 100.
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Re: PS Bag Skills

Post by Maul Binder »

I know of a few people that have gotten poisoning and arms lore scrolls from the power scroll bags so not sure of or if all skills can be gotten or just the two I have heard of odds of getting them no real clue as I don't have the charged PS bag myself nor the one use one that given randomly from kronus. But yes arms lore does exist besides just the 120 to any skill scroll.
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Re: PS Bag Skills

Post by Melkor »

I have the bag, and the scrolls exist for sure. I have even eaten some and used the skill ball. I just don't believe that raising those skills past 100 does anything.
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Re: PS Bag Skills

Post by Layfon Alseif »

120 Poisoning = Supposedly allows deadly poison to be applied in poison field spell which affects some normally immune to poison spawns. (Unconfirmed)
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Re: PS Bag Skills

Post by Unbeliever »

The way I see it is, for any skill that didn't have a 120 powerscroll straight out-of-the-box in RunUO to have a real purpose here, it would need functionality custom scripted in by Excelsior staff. And if staff had gone to the trouble of adding function to those skills at >GM levels, you'd find it mentioned somwhere on the forum, either in the form of a changelog/patch note or as a positive response to this question that is asked over and over again. I could be wrong, but for me the lack of any proof that they are useful says that they aren't. If you're still skeptical about it, try organizing some serious testing with players who have 120 in the skills in question. Seems to me to be the way to settle the issue once and for all.
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