[EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearmer 7.10

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[EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearmer 7.10

Post by Devlin »

Read on to figure out what the script does, how to set it up, and tips on how to use it properly.

Rearms Abilities: Primary, Secondary, or Momentum Strike will be recast depending on which is chosen.
Rearms Counter Attack: Counter Attack will be recast whenever it is used or expires.
Chivalry Spells: Recasts Consecrate Weapon every 10 seconds and Divine Fury when you dip below 75% stamina.
Pause/Play: You can pause Chivalry Spells & Counter Attack through hotkeys or the menu.

1.) You MUST have your health bar and the icons for your Primary/Secondary Abilities/Momentum Strike out (and Counter Attack if you use it.) You can drag the tiles out from the Purple Book on your Paperdoll and a Bushido spellbook.

2.) Upon starting up the script for the first time, follow the instructions to save the locations of your spell icons. Then click Hotkeys and select what you want to bind your Hotkeys to for Abilities/Pause/Play.

3.) Your abilities CANNOT be active when you start the script. This means Primary/Secondary and Momentum Strike. Counter Attack doesn't matter.

-If you switch weapons and your ability does not rearm: Use Toggle Equip with Razor to unequip/requip a weapon. This will usually fix the issue (if not, toggle again.) Using Toggle instead of Dress you can unequip/reequip a weapon in two motions. Dress Equip switches weapons back and forth (four motions) and may not rearm again anyway.
-If your ability doesn't switch when you press the hotkey: Sometimes you will need to hold down the key for half a second. Tapping the key very quickly may not register. This and the situation above are regrettably unavoidable but manageable.
-Consecrate Weapon starts off Paused: Hit the Play Button/Hotkey to resume it. Pause/Play only stops Counter Attack/Consecrate Weapon. Divine Fury will always be active and recasts at 75% Stamina. Consecrate Weapon recasts every 10 seconds.

What's New:
-No more editing code to change the script! Everything can be customized through the menu now.
-Gambit Functions added back to Rearmer (Consecrate Weapon/Divine Fury/Tithing Point Warning).
-Default Ability upon Startup now changeable through a drop down.
-Select if you are using a Bow or Melee wep when using MS. If you are using a bow, MS will stay active if 2+ targets are within 8 tiles. Melee is 2+ targets within 1 tile.
-If there are not 2+ targets within range, select what MS will switch to (Primary/Secondary Ability, or stay on MS always)
-Bind Hotkeys through the menu, instead of editing code.
-Toggle if you want Counter Attack On/Off through the menu.
-Quick Start-Up now no longer involves any code.

Code: Select all

; Script: Rearmer
; Author: Devlin
; Current Version: 7.10
; Purpose: Rearms Abilities, Momentum Strike and Counter Attack.
; Read instructions on the Wiki 1first!

set %mana 30        ; When you are low on mana the script
                    ; will wait for you to get this much
                    ; mana before attempting to rearm
                    ; abilities. Ideal range is 25-40
set %Sub2 CAOn      ; CAOn/CAOff Determines if CA is cast upon startup. On=yes, Off=no
set %Sub5 TitheOn
set #sysMsgCol 1389
set %min #minDmg
set %max #maxDmg
set %MS2 On
set %T_E3 11111111111
set %Sub5 DivFuryOn ; DivFuryOn/DivFuryOff
set %Sub4 ConWepOff ; ConWepOn/ConWepOff
set %T_CW 10        ; Time between Consecrate Wep
                    ; casts. CW lasts 5-11 seconds.
                    ; Change if you have low karma.
set %pause 50       ; Increase if you spam Divine Fury, shorter if it takes too long to cast (25-50 range)
set %stam 75        ; Change to % Stamina you cast Divine Fury.

if *drop = 1
set %Sub Prim
if *drop = 2
set %Sub Sec
if *drop = 3
;set %Sub MS
set %Sub7 DefaultAbility
;set %StartupSub Startup

if *StartupSub <> StartupOff
gosub Startup

sub Startup
if *Save = 1 ;&& *StartupSub2 = StartupOff
     display YesNoCancel Do you want to use your previously saved settings? Hit Cancel to disable this message and use saved settings always (This can be redone by clicking the Setup button)
     if #dispres = No
     gosub Setup
     set #dispres 0
     if #dispres = Cancel
     set *StartupSub StartupOff
     set *Save 1
     set #dispres 0
     gosub Setup


sub StartupOff

event sysmessage Consecrate Weapon is on hold. Hit *play to begin casting.
gosub menu
;gosub DefaultAbility

event macro 15 148
wait 10
if you_must_have_a_weapon in #sysmsg
     display You must have a weapon equipped to begin.
     wait 5s
     goto loop2:

wait 5
savePix *CountX *CountY 4

gosub Settings

     if #charGhost = NO && #MAXMANA > 15
          if ( Abs ( %min - #minDmg ) > 15 ) || ( ( %max <> #maxDmg ) > 15 )
               wait 20            ; on wep change
               gosub Settings
               set %min #minDmg
               set %max #maxDmg
               goto loop:

          onhotkey *Hold
               set %T_Hold #scnt
               set %Sub2 CAOff
               set %Sub4 ConWepOff  ; ConWepOn
               event sysmessage Casting is Paused. Press Play or *Play to Resume.
          onhotkey *Play
               set %Sub2 CAOn
               ;set %Sub6 DivFuryOn
               set %Sub4 ConWepOn
               event sysmessage Casting Resumed. Press Pause or *hold to pause.
          onhotkey *Prim
               set %Sub Prim
               set #menubutton 0
               event exmsg #charid 3 0 [Primary]
               event sysmessage Primary Ability activated
          onhotkey *Sec
               set %Sub Sec
               set #menubutton 0
               event exmsg #charid 3 0 [Secondary]
               event sysmessage Secondary Ability Activated
          onhotkey *MS
               set %Sub MS
               set #menubutton 0
               set %T_MS #scnt
     goto loop:
;               Functions
gosub Buttons
;gosub IsCAON
gosub %Sub7
;gosub DefaultAbility
;gosub PrimaryHotkey
;gosub SecondaryHotkey
gosub %Sub   ; Abilities (Prim/Sec/MS)
gosub %Sub2  ; Counter Attack
gosub %Sub3  ; Hotkey
gosub %Sub4  ; Consc Wep
gosub %Sub5  ; Divine Fury
gosub %Sub6  ; Tithe Warning
;             End Functions
until ( #mana <=  %mana )
     event sysmessage You are out of Mana!
     wait 2s

goto loop:

sub Prim
cmppix 1 t
event macro 35 0

sub Sec
cmppix 2 t
event macro 36 0

sub MS
     if ( ( #scnt - %T_MS ) < 1 )
          event sysmessage Momentum Strike will be activated when there are two or more targets.
          wait 1s  ; on ability change

     Finditem %Monsters *MSRange
     if #Findcnt > 1
          set %MS2 On
          set %MS2 Off
          cmppix *MSWepSwitch t
          event macro *MSWepSwitchNum *MSWepSwitchNum2

     if %MS2 = On
          cmppix 3 t
          event macro 15 150

sub CAOn
    if #mindmg > 10  && #targcurs = 0 && ( H notin #charstatus ) && #charGhost = NO && #mana > 5
       ;wait 2
       cmppix 4 f
       event macro 15 148
       wait 6

sub CAOff
    set %T_Hold2 #scnt

    if ( ( %T_Hold2 - %T_Hold ) <= 2 )
         ;event sysmessage Casting is Paused. Press Play or *Play to resume.
         ;wait 3s  ; Make longer if Pause message is spammed

sub Settings
    savePix *PrimX *PrimY 1
    savePix *SecX *SecY 2
    savePix *MSX *MSY 3
    set *Save 1
    wait 5

;          Start of Gambit Subs
sub DivFuryOn
if ( #stamina * 100 ) / #maxstam <= %stam && #targcurs = 0 && #mana > 10 && #charghost = no && h notin #charstatus
     ;wait 10
     event macro 15 205
     ;wait 25 + %pause

sub DivFuryOff

sub ConWepOn
;if #Findcnt > 1
if #mindmg > 10 && #contsize <> 452_236 && #targcurs = 0 && ( #stamina * 100 ) / #maxstam >= %stam && #mana > 10 && ( H notin #charstatus )
         if ( #scnt > ( %T_CW + %T_Play ) )
         wait 1
         set %T_Play #scnt
         event macro 15 203
         wait 1


sub ConWepOff
set %T_Hold2 #scnt

if ( ( %T_Hold2 - %T_Hold ) < 5 )
     ;event sysmessage Casting is Paused. Press Play or *Play to Resume.
     ;wait 4s  ; Make longer if Pause message is spammed

sub TitheOn
if ( #TP < 10000 )
set #sysMsgCol 138
event sysmessage You are low on Tithing Points.
set #sysMsgCol 93
set %TitheTimer #scnt
set %Sub5 TitheOff

sub TitheOff
if ( %TitheTimer + 300 < #scnt )
set %Sub5 TitheOn
;           End of Gambit Subs
sub menu
;if *drop = 1
;set %Sub Prim
;if *drop = 2
;set %Sub Sec
;if *drop = 3
;set %Sub MS
     menu Window Size 175 100
     menu Window Title Rearmer
     menu Window transparent 70
     menu Font Transparent #false
     menu Font Size 7
     menu Font Align left
     menu Show
     menu Button Primary 0 0 50 20 Primary
     menu Button Secondary 0 20 50 20 Secondary
     menu Button MS 0 40 50 20 MS
     menu Button CAON 0 80 25 20 On
     menu Button CAOFF 25 80 25 20 Off
     menu Button Melee 57 44 35 20 Melee
     menu Button Bow 92 44 35 20 Bow
     menu Text CA 2 68 CA On/Off:
     menu Text MSWep 67 33 MS Weapon:
     menu Text MSWepSwitch 60 68 MS Switches To:
     menu Text Default 60 0 Default Ability
     menu Text Casting  140 0 Casting:
     menu Button MSPrim 57 80 24 20 Prim
     menu Button MSSec 81 80 23 20 Sec
     menu Button MSOnly 104 80 23 20 MS
     ;menu Text whatever2 80 13 on Start-up:
     menu Combo Create drop 58 12 70
     menu Combo Add drop Primary
     menu Combo Add drop Secondary
     menu Combo Add drop MS
     menu Combo Select drop *drop
     menu Button Pause 134 12 42 20 Pause
     menu Button Play 134 32 42 20 Play
     menu Button Setup 134 60 42 20 Setup
     menu Button Hotkeys 134 80 42 20 Hotkeys

sub menu2
    menu window size 195 100
    menu Window Title Hotkey Options
    menu Font Transparent #true
    menu Font Size 8
    menu Font Align Left
    menu Show
    menu Button HKPrimary 1 1 95 30 Primary Hotkey
    menu Button HKSecondary 1 35 95 30 Secondary Hotkey
    menu Button HKMS 1 70 95 30 MS Hotkey
    menu Button HKPause 100 1 95 30 Pause Casting HK
    menu Button HKPlay  100 35 95 30 Play Casting HK
    menu Button Save 100 70 95 30 Save Hotkeys

sub menu3
    menu window size 160 100
    menu Window Title Hotkey Options
    menu Font Transparent #true
    menu Font Size 8
    menu Font Align Left
    menu Show
    menu Button Back 120 60 30 40 Back
    menu Button F1 0 0 30 20 F1
    menu Button F2 0 20 30 20 F2
    menu Button F3 0 40 30 20 F3
    menu Button F4 0 60 30 20 F4
    menu Button F5 0 80 30 20 F5
    menu Button F6 40 0 30 20 F6
    menu Button F7 40 20 30 20 F7
    menu Button F8 40 40 30 20 F8
    menu Button F9 40 60 30 20 F9
    menu Button F10 40 80 30 20 F10
    menu Button F11 80 0 30 20 F11
    menu Button F12 80 20 30 20 F12
    menu Button PGDN 80 40 30 20 PgDn
    menu Button PGUP 80 60 30 20 PgUp
    menu Button HOME 80 80 30 20 Home
    menu Button END 120 0 30 20 End
    menu Button INSERT 120 20 30 20 Ins
    menu Button DELETE 120 40 30 20 Del
    ;menu Button C1 90 60 30 20 Ctrl1
    ;menu Button C2 90 80 30 20 Ctrl2
    ;menu Button C3 120 0 30 20 Ctrl3
    ;menu Button C4 120 20 30 20 Ctrl4
    ;menu Button C5 120 40 30 20 Ctrl5
    ;menu Button C6 120 60 30 20 Ctrl6
    ;menu Button C7 120 80 30 20 Ctrl7
    ;menu Button C8 150 0 30 20 Ctrl8
    ;menu Button C9 150 20 30 20 Ctrl9
    ;menu Button C0 150 40 30 20 Ctrl0

sub Buttons
set #lpc 100
;  Start Menu 2 (Select Ability) Buttons
     if #menuButton = Setup
          set #menubutton 0
          gosub Setup
     if #menuButton = Hotkeys ; Opens 2nd Menu
          menu clear
          gosub menu2
          set #menuButton 0
     if #menuButton = HKPrimary
          menu clear
          gosub menu3
          set %Sub3 PrimaryHotKey
          set #menuButton 0
     if #menuButton = HKSecondary
          menu clear
          gosub menu3
          set %Sub3 SecondaryHotKey
          set #menuButton 0
     if #menuButton = HKMS
          menu clear
          gosub menu3
          set %Sub3 MSHotKey
          set #menuButton 0
     if #menuButton = HKPause
          menu clear
          gosub menu3
          set %Sub3 PauseHotKey
          set #menuButton 0
     if #menuButton = HKPlay
          menu clear
          gosub menu3
          set %Sub3 PlayHotKey
          set #menuButton 0
     if #menuButton = Save ; Saves/Closes 2nd menu.
          menu clear
          gosub menu
          set #menuButton 0
          event sysmessage Hotkeys saved. These will be saved next time you start Rearmer until you rebind them.
     if #menuButton = Back ; Saves/Closes 3rd menu
          menu clear
          gosub menu2
          set #menuButton 0
;   End Menu 2 (Select Ability HK) Buttons
;      Start of Ability Switch Buttons
    if #menuButton = Primary
         set %Sub Prim
         event sysmessage Primary Ability Activated
         set #menubutton 0
    if #menuButton = Secondary
         set %Sub Sec
         event sysmessage Secondary Ability Activated
         set #menubutton 0

    if #menuButton = MS
    set %Sub MS
    ;event sysmessage Momentum Strike will be activated when there are two or more targets.
         wait 2
         set #menubutton 0
         set %T_MS #scnt
;      End of Ability Switch Buttons
;          Start of MS Functions
    if #menubutton = Bow
         set *MSRange G_8
         event sysmessage Momentum Strike active for Bows (when 2+ targets are within 8 tiles).
         set #menubutton 0
    if #menubutton = Melee
         set *MSRange G_1
         event sysmessage Momentum Strike active for Melee (when 2+ targets are within 1 tile).
         set #menubutton 0
    if #menubutton = MSPrim
         set *MSWepSwitch 1
         set *MSWepSwitchNum 35
         set *MSWepSwitchNum2 0
         event sysmessage Momentum Strike switches to Primary ability when only 1 target is in range.
         set #menubutton 0
    if #menubutton = MSSec
         set *MSWepSwitch 2
         set *MSWepSwitchNum 36
         set *MSWepSwitchNum2 0
         event sysmessage Momentum Strike switches to Secondary ability when only 1 target is in range.
         set #menubutton 0
    if #menubutton = MSOnly
         set *MSWepSwitch 3
         set *MSWepSwitchNum 15
         set *MSWepSwitchNum2 150
         event sysmessage Momentum Strike will not switch.
         set #menubutton 0
;           End of MS Functions
;      Start of Counter Attack Toggle
    if #menubutton = CAON
         set *CASub on
         set %Sub2 CAOn
         event sysmessage Counter Attack is On.
         set #menubutton 0
    if #menubutton = CAOFF
         set *CASub off
         set %Sub2 CAOff
         event sysmessage Counter Attack is Off.
         set #menubutton 0
    ;if *CASub = on
    ;     set %Sub2 CAOn
    ;if *CASub = off
    ;     set %Sub2 CAOff
;      End of Counter Attack Toggle
;           Pause/Play Toggle
     if #menubutton = Pause
          set %Sub2 CAOff
          set %Sub4 ConWepOff
          event sysmessage Casting is Paused. Press Play or *Play to Resume.
          set #menubutton 0
     if #menubutton = Play
          Set %Sub2 CAON
          set %Sub4 ConWepOn
          event sysmessage Casting Resumed. Press Pause or *hold to Pause.
          set #menubutton 0

;         End of Pause/Play Toggle
set #lpc 10

menu get drop
if *drop <> #menures
set %Sub7 DefaultAbility

sub DefaultAbility
menu get drop
     if #menures = N/A
     menu get drop    ; outputs combobox to #menures
     set *drop #menures
     if *drop = 1
     set *drop 1
     ;set *drop1 1
     set %Sub7 DAOFF
     if *drop = 2
     set *drop 2
     ;set *drop1 2
     set %Sub7 DAOFF
     if *drop = 3
     set *drop 3
     ;set *drop1 3
     set %Sub7 DAOFF

sub Setup
     if *StartupSub = StartupOff
     display OkCancel Click OK if you wish to retarget your ability icons (if you moved them or something). Hit Cancel to exit Setup.
     if #dispres = Cancel

     display OKCancel Please move your mouse over the Primary Ability Icon. You have 3 seconds to do so. Hit Cancel if you do not wish to retarget the Icon.
     if #dispres = Ok
     wait 3s
     set *PrimX #CURSORX
     set *PrimY #CURSORY
     set #dispres 0

     display OKCancel Please move your mouse over the Secondary Ability Icon. You have 3 seconds to do so. Hit Cancel if you do not wish to retarget the Icon.
     if #dispres = OK
     wait 3s
     set *SecX #CURSORX
     set *SecY #CURSORY
     set #dispres 0

     display OKCancel Please move your mouse over the Momentum Strike Ability Icon. You have 3 seconds to do so. Hit Cancel if you do not wish to retarget the Icon.
     if #dispres = OK
     wait 3s
     set *MSX #CURSORX
     set *MSY #CURSORY
     set #dispres 0

     display OKCancel Please move your mouse over the Counter Attack Ability Icon. You have 3 seconds to do so. Counter Attack CANNOT be active, wait until it wears off, then hit OK. If you do not use Counter Attack, just hit OK and wait. Hit Cancel if you do not wish to retarget the icon.
     if #dispres = OK
     wait 3s
     set *CountX #CURSORX
     set *CountY #CURSORY
     set #dispres 0

set *Save 1
display The script is now ready to run.

;       Primary

sub PrimaryHotkey
if #menubutton = F1
set *HKPrimary F1
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F2
set *HKPrimary F2
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F3
set *HKPrimary F3
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F4
set *HKPrimary F4
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F5
set *HKPrimary F5
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F6
set *HKPrimary F6
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F7
set *HKPrimary F7
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F8
set *HKPrimary F8
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F9
set *HKPrimary F9
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F10
set *HKPrimary F10
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F11
set *HKPrimary F11
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F12
set *HKPrimary F12
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = PGDN
set *HKPrimary PGDN
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = END
set *HKPrimary END
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = HOME
set *HKPrimary HOME
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = INSERT
set *HKPrimary INSERT
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = DELETE
set *HKPrimary DELETE
set *Prim *HKPrimary
event sysmessage Primary ability hotkey set to *HKPrimary
set #menubutton 0

;      Secondary

sub SecondaryHotkey
if #menubutton = F1
set *HKSecondary F1
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F2
set *HKSecondary F2
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F3
set *HKSecondary F3
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F4
set *HKSecondary F4
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F5
set *HKSecondary F5
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F6
set *HKSecondary F6
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F7
set *HKSecondary F7
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F8
set *HKSecondary F8
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F9
set *HKSecondary F9
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F10
set *HKSecondary F10
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F11
set *HKSecondary F11
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F12
set *HKSecondary F12
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = PGDN
set *HKSecondary PGDN
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = END
set *HKSecondary END
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = HOME
set *HKSecondary HOME
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = INSERT
set *HKSecondary INSERT
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = DELETE
set *HKSecondary DELETE
set *Sec *HKSecondary
event sysmessage Secondary ability hotkey set to *HKSecondary
set #menubutton 0

;          MS

sub MSHotkey
if #menubutton = F1
set *HKMS F1
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F2
set *HKMS F2
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F3
set *HKMS F3
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F4
set *HKMS F4
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F5
set *HKMS F5
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F6
set *HKMS F6
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F7
set *HKMS F7
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F8
set *HKMS F8
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F9
set *HKMS F9
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F10
set *HKMS F10
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F11
set *HKMS F11
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F12
set *HKMS F12
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = PGDN
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = END
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = HOME
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = INSERT
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = DELETE
set *MS *HKMS
event sysmessage Momentum Strike hotkey set to *HKMS
set #menubutton 0

;        Pause

sub PauseHotKey
if #menubutton = F1
set *HKPause F1
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F2
set *HKPause F2
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F3
set *HKPause F3
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F4
set *HKPause F4
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F5
set *HKPause F5
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F6
set *HKPause F6
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F7
set *HKPause F7
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F8
set *HKPause F8
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F9
set *HKPause F9
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F10
set *HKPause F10
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F11
set *HKPause F11
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F12
set *HKPause F12
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = PGDN
set *HKPause PGDN
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = END
set *HKPause END
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = HOME
set *HKPause HOME
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = INSERT
set *HKPause INSERT
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = DELETE
set *HKPause DELETE
set *Hold *HKPause
event sysmessage Pause hotkey set to *HKPause
set #menubutton 0

;         Play
sub PlayHotkey
if #menubutton = F1
set *HKPlay F1
set *Play *HKPPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F2
set *HKPlay F2
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F3
set *HKPlay F3
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F4
set *HKPlay F4
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F5
set *HKPlay F5
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F6
set *HKPlay F6
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F7
set *HKPlay F7
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F8
set *HKPlay F8
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F9
set *HKPlay F9
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F10
set *HKPlay F10
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F11
set *HKPlay F11
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = F12
set *HKPlay F12
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = PGDN
set *HKPlay PGDN
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = END
set *HKPlay END
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = HOME
set *HKPlay HOME
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = INSERT
set *HKPlay INSERT
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0
if #menubutton = DELETE
set *HKPlay DELETE
set *Play *HKPlay
event sysmessage Play hotkey set to *HKPlay
set #menubutton 0

; ZTH war hammer ID for WW/CB switch
;set G_1 G_8 to variable
;if BOW ID on #charid
; set %range G_8
; else set %range G_1
Last edited by Devlin on Sun May 29, 2016 9:05 am, edited 98 times in total.
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Re: Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Penny »

Scanning system messages can be iffy. How I've done it on openEUO is look for the weapon special icon and check it's color, if neither is activated then activate primary/secondary one.

Do the same thing on easyUO using whatever the GetPix function is (don't remember anymore) to check the color.

NOTE: need to have the icons out for this, and have nothing (i.e. backpack, statbar) covering them.

EDIT: also you can see if "set #lpc 100" speeds it up (can use a bigger number too, normal is 20 iirc

Code: Select all

function specialActivated()
	for i = 0,400 do
		sName,nX,nY,nSX,nSY,nKind,nId,nType,nHP = UO.GetCont(i)
		if not sName then
		elseif nKind == 58692 then
			nCol = UO.GetPix(nX+1,nY+1)
			if nCol == 3217548 then
				return true
	return false
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Re: Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Eben »

I fixed some errors and added a check to see if you run out of mana.
Currently when you run out of mana, it halts the script. I added a temporary fix, a sysmessage line that mimics a successful armor pierce to keep the script moving. This sysmessage can be changed to fit other ability messages.

Code: Select all

; Script: Ability Rearm-er
; Author: Devlin
; Purpose: Will rearm any ability. Must use ability
; one time before it will begin rearm itself.
; Current Version: BETA
; Known Bugs/Issues: Doesn't activate on every swing. Whirlwind
; will not activate unless there are 2 enemies to hit. Some weps
; have Crushing Blow/Whirlwind as Primary while others have it as
; Secondary. To fix this, change the event macro from 35 to 36 or
; vice versa. Known weps with this issue are War Hammer/Double Axe.

set %jrnl #jIndex

while #true
if #jIndex > %jrnl
     set %jrnl %jrnl + 1
     scanJournal %jrnl
     gosub wepcheck

sub wepcheck
     if you_launch_two_shots_at_once in #journal
         gosub doubleshot
     if you_pierce_your_opponent's_armor in #journal
         gosub armorpierce
     if you_have_delivered_a_crushing_blow in #journal
        gosub crushingblow
     if the_whirling_attack_strikes_a_target in #journal
        gosub whirlwind
     if you_attack_with_lightning_speed in #journal
        gosub doublestrike
     if you_need in #journal                ;Check to see if you ran out of mana
        event sysmessage you pierce your opponent's armor    ;Prevents script from halting when out of mana
        wait 1

sub doubleshot
event macro 36 0
event SysMessage {You Shoot Twice.}
wait 5

sub armorpierce
event macro 35 0
event SysMessage {Armor Pierced.}
wait 5

sub whirlwind
event macro 35 0            ; Double Axe Users, change 35 to 36.
event SysMessage {Whirlwind Attack}
wait 5

sub crushingblow
event macro 35 0            ; War Hammer Users, change 35 to 36
event Sysmessage {Crushing Blow}
wait 5

sub doublestrike
event macro 35
event Sysmessage {You strike twice.}
wait 5
Neat stuff, and it works pretty good.
I've tried to spam journal after i tweaked it and it works just fine.
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Re: Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Devlin »

Updated the script a bit, figured out that razors filter repeating system messages was causing the script to botch on my end, hence why I thought it was a failure. Scan journal still is buggy, the script will stop on occasion. Just reactivate the ability and it resumes.

Saw that someone pointed out it stops when you run out of mana; added a sub that will inform the user that they are out of mana and that they must reactivate the ability to restart the flow. Before, the script would halt entirely. Hope you all enjoy this.
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Re: Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Draconomicon »

Last edited by Draconomicon on Sat May 12, 2012 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Devlin »

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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Devlin »

double bump.
Updated it again, everything seems peachy now. Main post updated instead of posting a new one down here, where ppl may not see
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Penny »

To activate primary ability:

Code: Select all

event macro 36 0
event macro 35 0
To activate secondary:

Code: Select all

event macro 35 0
event macro 36 0
Works for all weapons, just do those every 0.5 sec or so. Also you don't have to have the ablity icons visible.
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Devlin »

Penny wrote:To activate primary ability:

Code: Select all

event macro 36 0
event macro 35 0
To activate secondary:

Code: Select all

event macro 35 0
event macro 36 0
Works for all weapons, just do those every 0.5 sec or so. Also you don't have to have the ablity icons visible.
I believe the only problem with that is it would spam the abilities on/off, meaning you don't use an ability every round. This makes sure you use it every attack, providing you have the mana to
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Penny »

Doesn't matter which ability is activated (or none), it turns/leaves primary/secondary on in any case.
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Devlin »

Penny wrote:Doesn't matter which ability is activated (or none), it turns/leaves primary/secondary on in any case.
In razor, sure, the Set Ability function will do that, but in EUO it spams it on/off. Hence the cmppix.
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Melkor »

I wanted this script to rearm my weapon special, and it does that fantastically, thank you for this, its super!

I was able to find the Counter Attack in the Bushido book, (moved the icon out along with the others) I made it highlighted and ran the setup at the begining. But it seems like it does not counter. It keeps telling me i've returned to my normal stance, and doesn't rearm it. I don't get hit much, but even if I do get hit in battle, i haven't noticed it working more than once, doesn't rearm. This is not a big deal to me, like i said I wanted it for the weapon special and it does that perfectly, it's a real treat. I thought i'd mention it because maybe i'm just doing something wrong, or maybe this feedback will help.

Thanks for taking the time to make a script and to share it.
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Devlin »

Older versions of the script will not activate Counter Attack unless you edit one line of the script. Ctrl+F "gosub count" and remove the ; in front of the line. Then do this for the next gosub Count line you find. Newer versions have Counter Attack setup so it will always be in use (initially thought some people may not like using Counter Attack, but it uses next to no mana)

Working on a new version of this that will
1. Allow you to save your previous settings. This will speed up the script start-up time. Going to leave the Quick Setup guide in there, as the new setup still involves you to click a button at the startup (quick setup does not)
2. Allow you to change weapons and still have it activate your abilities. Older versions only would work for one type of weapon, so if you changed from a Yumi to a halberd, you had to either manually activate abilities or run two copies of this script.

Already got the saved settings to work, just need the shard to come back on so I can run some tests on the current code to make the wep change system work. Next on the list is to get this to spam Consecrate weapon as needed... Maybe even merge the Auto Divine Fury script I just posted into it as well.
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Devlin »

Older versions of the script will not activate Counter Attack unless you edit one line of the script. Ctrl+F "gosub count" and remove the ; in front of the line. Then do this for the next gosub Count line you find. Newer versions have Counter Attack setup so it will always be in use (initially thought some people may not like using Counter Attack, but it uses next to no mana)

Working on a new version of this that will
1. Allow you to save your previous settings. This will speed up the script start-up time. Going to leave the Quick Setup guide in there, as the new setup still involves you to click a button at the startup (quick setup does not)
2. Allow you to change weapons and still have it activate your abilities. Older versions only would work for one type of weapon, so if you changed from a Yumi to a halberd, you had to either manually activate abilities or run two copies of this script.

Already got the saved settings to work, just need the shard to come back on so I can run some tests on the current code to make the wep change system work. Next on the list is to get this to spam Consecrate weapon as needed... Maybe even merge the Auto Divine Fury script I just posted into it as well.
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Re: [EasyUO] Weapon Ability Rearm-er

Post by Ilsanor »

Could anyone be bothered to post an older version of the script that had the Counterstrike? Or perhaps an edited version of the new one with CS added?